Saturday, 12 July 2008


When we practice yoga we are stretching the negative energy out of our bodies, and by breathing deep we replace it with new restoring life force energy. The regular stretching will make the body supple again, and we all know a more flexible muscle is a stronger muscle, this will in turn make us feel younger and when we feel young we believe we are, and believe it or not this can actually slow ageing down as it releases toxins. So remember wherever the mind goes the body follows, and we are most certainly what we eat. This is us plugged back into the power source, where we can recharge our being ready for creating everything we want in the present moment at full power.This was one of the arts along with meditation etc that was devised to help the humans balance and deal with the new alien D.N.A in their make-up. We used to be naturally connected to the source purely by breathing prana but birth trauma causes people to breathe shallow so as to not take in life giving breath. Is a group of ancient spiritual practices originating in India. They are thought to lead to spiritual experience and profound understanding or insight into the nature of existence.(Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia)

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