This is the date that the Sphinx and Great Pyramid where cosmically aligned to. The ancients knew the only thing that would survive the coming cataclysm of between 9-11 thousand BC would be the giant pyramid. The planet goes through many creation and destruction cycles, for there is masses of proof all across the very ancient world that extremely advanced human civilation has been destroyed many times. This above date is showing the establishment of a new world and new cycle of evolution into the left-brained intellectual age after the old right-brained world of Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed in a great global catastrophe.The ancient spiritual humans knew the only thing that would survive the inevitable magnetic reversal of earth and coming ungodly cataclysm would be the giant 4th dimensional Great pyramid and others in Mexico just like it, for they knew the planet goes through many creation and destruction cycles and it was nearly that time once again. This date is showing the end of Atlantis and Lemuria when they were destroyed instigating earths fall into a 3 dimensional physical mess of what we now refer to as known history and the present modern celebrity age.The trauma of the cataclysm and the on-going mess afterwards instigated the creation of the skitzophrenic homo-sapien and we were never ever the same intelligent multi-dimensional beings ever again.The earth and her human inhabitants are intricately caught up in many cosmic cycles, being each a cog in the mechanical ocean of the great infinite star sea. So for now open your mind wide once more as I am about to take you beyond astrology into the realm of cosmic consciousness. To understand what is happening to the world at this moment in time you need to be aware first that these great cycles actually exist and how they directly affect our consciousness, for we are certainly not taught their truth in school, education or any form of so-called structured religion for that matter.Well, actually we are taught them within religion its just that they are presented as literal stories and so their true meanings are utterly lost. In earths ancient world these cycles were common knowledge among the everyday nature worshipping Pagan people, for researchers continue to find within their ancestors religious calendars and cultures, overwhelming proof that cosmic cycles formed the very foundation of life on earth and understandings of evolution. The ancient earth people were sky watchers, in fact we were tracking the skies as they knew certain astrological times directly affected how the earth and its inhabitants behaved. Not just behaviour was being monitored at this time, for the ancients were watching very closly for movements in the earths crust and fanatically tracking comets.We all know the 12 star signs, as we are each assigned one due to our time of birth. We know that within one earth year we move through all 12 and then go round and round again aging in the process. But there is a much larger cycle through the sky-signs and it takes nearly 26,000 years to complete, and this is what’s known as the Precession of the equinox the father of our earthly clocks. Our ancestors had vast knowledge of this 26,000 year cycle and they knew that at the13, 000 year halfway point the earth would once again cleanse itself with a 2000 year stint in the Photon-belt which would bring on a magnetic reversal of the earths magnetic field and a possible pole-shift which in turn would flood the planet and re-arrange much of the surface of the earth. This natural action would erase (like it did many times before) most of the evidence and knowledge of the advanced hi-tech world that came before this one. And so the scientific ancients constructed the amazing Great Pyramid on the ancient meridian centre of the earth, aligned to the points of the compass so as to be a scale model of the northern hemisphere of our earth. Some crazy ancient ledgends say it was built from the top down by a powerful race of dwarfs, now thats another story, but I thought I might just throw that in. This seemingly magical feat was to show the level of advancement that humans had reached before the inevitable cataclysm struck and ended this time as within its dimensions are encoded the secrets of the universe in the form of Phi measurements 3.14 and the golden ratio 1.6. These people also built the Sphinx to gaze out at the horizon (Horus) to far off stars at this ending time of transformation, to seal in history their legacy for the inhabitants of our new world to marvel at. For the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid were the only things foreseen to survive the coming earth movements. There is much of this ancient world under the Sahara sand and the Mediterranean sea.Now, at this point if this all seems a bit far fetched, just remember that we all as a planet are spinning in the spaces, on a ball of conscious living water at the end of an evolving spiral arm in this perfect expanding galaxy, the Milky Way. Just to put things into perspective. Ok lets continue. The earth does not spin vertically, its actually on a tilt of roughly 23.5 degrees, and because of this we experience 4 seasons on our planet. You have maybe heard astrological jargon such as (example) the sun is rising in Leo, etc etc, well, all this means is that the backdrop of space behind where the sun is rising, is the constellation of Leo. But the backdrop changes. This is where Christianity gets its idea of Jesus the son of God on the cross and his 12 disciples because, actually its all symbolic of the SUN of God on the cross of the zodiac with the 12 star signs around it. Virgo was the backdrop, so we get the sun of God being born of the virgin (Mary, and before her in Egypt-Isis-she is the mother of the sun-god on the horizon=Horus).Some say the original Sphinx head was a female and some say it was a lion, but for sure the male pharaoh head we see now was carved much later by the ancient Egyptians.See easy. Now imagine the planet at 23.5 degrees with a line drawn down through the earths centre poles and coming out both ends, and imagine the north pole line drawing a great circle in space as the planet spins. Well this is the path which we complete as a planet roughly every 26,000 years. Now imagine all the 12 signs around the edge of this circle and that we stay roughly 2160 years in each constellation as a backdrop in the night sky. You now have the basics of the cycle. At this point do not get confused with being able to see the plough or the Orion constellation in the skies coming back every year, and don’t get caught up in the 365 days of the year as we spin around the sun, for this bigger cycle is so subtle as to be unrecognisable to untrained eyes . But if you only knew where we are as a solar system in the grand cycle, in what’s known as a (platonic year ) and what significance it has to what is transpiring and unfolding on the worlds political stage today, for no big political disiccions are made without consulting astrology. Ok get ready, here we go.(Precession) was understood back in the time in ancient Mesopotamia (which is now Iraq) and Egypt, pre 3000BC. It was Hipparchusis (ancient Greek astronomer) who estimated Earth's precession around 130 BC so most people refer to him, but the ancient civilizations who lived millennia before him, all had a deep engrained knowledge of the subject. Precession actually moves counter clockwise west to east and its on march 21st when we can measure it, the day of the vernal equinox at the exact location where the suns plane crosses the equator. On this day the sun would be directly above the equator at high noon and there would be no shadow cast by a perpendicular stick protruding from level ground at the equator. In the cycle of the great year the suns elliptic intersects the celestial equator a little to the west of where it was the year before. So the earth really acts like a spinning top which is slowing down, and it’s the pull of the sun and moon which creates a bulge at the earths equator, for if this bulge didn’t happen there would be no precession. Precession changes about 1 degree of arc every 72 years, and you can see in past civilizations within their religions showing in what time of precession they lived .You will have the Romans worshipping ram idols about 200 BC (Aries) and the later Christians talking about the fish or fisher of men as they referred to Jesus (Pisces).You also then have the stories of the Golden Calf being worshipped by the Israelites (Taurus).The rough 2160 years of Pisces is passing, this was the time of religion, and our solar system is very much entering the next sign which is Aquarius (the water bearer) the time of awakening.
Its even written in the Bible that a disciple was sent into the city to find a man bearing water, this of course is secret symbolic language for Aquarius (Meeting with the water bearer) .This might seem of little relevance to someone that believes the Bible stories are actually real events, but the truth is that the Bible, old and new, is nothing more than the complete symbolic story of precession and the cycles of the Unfortunately the truth of this has been lost or disguised, and the names given to certain celestial bodies whose orbits and influencal events have been sucked up by millions who have blindly believed that they are reading about people. The ancient Christians and the Magi Druid Gnostic Shamans used symbolic stories to hide and pass on secret knowledge, these were never ever meant to be taken liteally.And sadly, in truth when it comes down to it, this behaviour is nothing more than pure blind faith and finger-crossed hope perpetrated by centuries of engrained indoctrinated fear. These poor people are basing their absolute salvations on mere symbolic tales. Ah! Well, that’s the way of the world. But listen. It takes roughly 80 years for each transition between the ages to fully happen, meaning by 2012 (oh that date again) we will be very much into the new age of enlightenment. But It was our great researcher Robert Buval who first came up with the genius idea that the 3 pyramids in Giza in Egypt, might have been constructed to represent the 3 stars on the belt of the Orion constellation who is the Egyptian high God Osiris (the hunter) . He would be correct of course. He and another great writer Graham Hancock with the use of computers backtracked the skies to see if a possible fit could be found. And what they did find blew our official history out of the water. They took the skies back to where Egyptology says the pyramids were built to around 2700BC and it didn’t match completely even though some some alignments did. So they went back and back until they hit the start of the cycle. And there it was, the evidence that the 3 pyramids of Egypt matched the belt of Orion exactly.But their new date was shocking to orordox Egyptology and totally unbelievable as it came out at 10,500 BC. According to our history books humans were supposed to be in the stone age running around clubbing each other, we weren’t supposed to be building monuments which, might I add, we cannot replicate even today, aligned to stars which science only discovered in the 20th century with telescopes. Hmmm! Think about that one. Buval and Hancocks evidence was questioned until they made their biggest discovery. The age of the Sphinx .It stands beside the pyramids as a guardian and its antiquity has been disputed for centuries.The Sphinx which was seemimly carved straight out of the natural bedrock suffered for centuries as torrents of rain and sea water poured into its compound onto its back and head damaging it greatly. Followers of our orthodox Egyptology still maintain that it was desert sand storms which done the damage, as they just cant open their minds to the most evident early dates of civilizations being found all over the earth. Similar pyramidal finds from South America to China to Japans underwater roads just don’t fit with known history and so many have been simply thrown out with the trash, but these wonders were built on the 4th dimensional earth .Do you know there are more Pyramids in China than in Egypt? You have to remember that our centuries of conquering armies and terrorizing religions re-wrote history to suit their own agendas. Its obvious that the body of the Sphinx was worn by water and not by sand storms, as the wear was vertically down its sides and not horizontal. But how can this be ? As according to our history books there have been no significant downpours in Egypt within the given time scales of official Egyptology. Of course, it could only have happened before 8000 BC when Egypt was semi-tropical.So Buval set about to prove it was much older and that it was built by a lost civilization before Egypt. Again he used the precession program and find the answer. The Sphinx was staring at the horizon looking at the age of Leo (the lion) at the date 10,500 BC. Final. The last piece of the puzzle would fit if the Pyramid blocks showed evidence that a deluge happened, but unfortunately the beautiful original white casing stones were removed from the pyramid to build Cairo. Many ancient writers can remember being able to see these constructions from great distances and others suggest that this is how different civilizations on other planets knew if another planet was populated, as great lasers would beam out of the top of each pyramid also.This was thought to be a harmonic star-gate beam for the more dense energy phyical beings to travel along. But of course this is all hust speculation, but i like to think it function may have been a stargate.But getting back to the story. Luckily salt deposits and sea-shells were found halfway up the monument showing that Egypt was in-fact covered in sea water, it was once semi-tropical but the centuries of water killed the plant-life and was burnt by a great comet which it time formed into the Sahara desert. It had vast jungles and looked much like central America of today.So in conclusion, all of this points to the proof that our extremely advanced past civilization did in-fact exist millennia before the Egyptians, and that they built these incredible structures to mirror the sky at this mythical date, perfectly recording in stone this very special time of pre-history. So that when the later moderns were advanced enough, that we could decipher through our computers the knowledge that the clever ancients were trying to pass on.With every passing year we will find that the real truths of our history has been covered up to detach the human consciousness from their Mother earth consciousness. For its obvious that the head of the was re-carved as a Pharaoh much later, and its plain to see that most of the pyramids built after the first three at SphinxGiza are in various extreme states of decline and ruin. I thought that this would be the absolute proof to the moderns of the decline of civilization, it never fails to amaze me sometimes how strong the delusion really is on the human mind, I suppose that’s why blind faith is such an effective form of mind control. The Egyptian Pharaohs tried to replicate the Godly buildings which they found already standing in the desert, they thought they could only be great tombs of some magical god-like beings, who possibly came from the stars . It was certainly a much more magical world than what we see today, and the knowledge that other races visited the planet was normal, and you may ask how did a world of advanced humans exist before our own, and how were they ahead of this world technologically and spiritually in many ways than we are today? So all that remains to be asked is where did they come from? More importantly, where did their machines go? If the pyramid is aligned to Orion, does this mean the gods came from that system? Well, if you want to see some of the machines used, do a bit of research into the Egyptian site of Dendera and have a look at Abydos and Saqquara, but prepare yourselves as you are about to see proof that the ancients also had aircrafts. But a little secret before I go, I can tell you this, as I know that people are going to find this out anyway in the next few years. The secret is that our fore-fathers came from the planet Mars and countless other planets over millions of years, and the most recent wave of visitors came 50,000 years ago before Mars was hit by a giant comet from an exploding planet. Where the hell do you think all the different races come from? Indian-Asian-African-Caucasian. Certain other negative groups also came here around the same time and presented themselves as gods before starting genetic experiments on the different life forms on the planet. These beings were dying fugitives from a great war in space, and the ancestors of these groups are still controlling our world to this very day and they are turning this beautiful planet into one that suits themselves by destroying the atmosphere. But don’t worry I’m not the only (Reality Host) who has came back at this time, in fact there are thousands of us, and we are going to turn all of this nonsense around. There have been different kinds of Humans on the earth for millions of years, go deep into the caves and look at their beautiful paintings of the spirit animal gods they drew. Some times they were primitive, sometimes they still had their technology. But one thing is for sure, the cycles will bring change again, and as long as you know that these traumatic cataclysmic events are actually supreme chances of spiritual evolution simply disguised as end-times and that you cannot die as you are pure energy then you will be fine.
But you ask how the hell do I know all this to be true? Well as I’ve already told you once and maybe you didn’t listen, so ill tell you once more.
Its simple.
Dr Mu.
We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution."
(Bill Hicks)
Its even written in the Bible that a disciple was sent into the city to find a man bearing water, this of course is secret symbolic language for Aquarius (Meeting with the water bearer) .This might seem of little relevance to someone that believes the Bible stories are actually real events, but the truth is that the Bible, old and new, is nothing more than the complete symbolic story of precession and the cycles of the Unfortunately the truth of this has been lost or disguised, and the names given to certain celestial bodies whose orbits and influencal events have been sucked up by millions who have blindly believed that they are reading about people. The ancient Christians and the Magi Druid Gnostic Shamans used symbolic stories to hide and pass on secret knowledge, these were never ever meant to be taken liteally.And sadly, in truth when it comes down to it, this behaviour is nothing more than pure blind faith and finger-crossed hope perpetrated by centuries of engrained indoctrinated fear. These poor people are basing their absolute salvations on mere symbolic tales. Ah! Well, that’s the way of the world. But listen. It takes roughly 80 years for each transition between the ages to fully happen, meaning by 2012 (oh that date again) we will be very much into the new age of enlightenment. But It was our great researcher Robert Buval who first came up with the genius idea that the 3 pyramids in Giza in Egypt, might have been constructed to represent the 3 stars on the belt of the Orion constellation who is the Egyptian high God Osiris (the hunter) . He would be correct of course. He and another great writer Graham Hancock with the use of computers backtracked the skies to see if a possible fit could be found. And what they did find blew our official history out of the water. They took the skies back to where Egyptology says the pyramids were built to around 2700BC and it didn’t match completely even though some some alignments did. So they went back and back until they hit the start of the cycle. And there it was, the evidence that the 3 pyramids of Egypt matched the belt of Orion exactly.But their new date was shocking to orordox Egyptology and totally unbelievable as it came out at 10,500 BC. According to our history books humans were supposed to be in the stone age running around clubbing each other, we weren’t supposed to be building monuments which, might I add, we cannot replicate even today, aligned to stars which science only discovered in the 20th century with telescopes. Hmmm! Think about that one. Buval and Hancocks evidence was questioned until they made their biggest discovery. The age of the Sphinx .It stands beside the pyramids as a guardian and its antiquity has been disputed for centuries.The Sphinx which was seemimly carved straight out of the natural bedrock suffered for centuries as torrents of rain and sea water poured into its compound onto its back and head damaging it greatly. Followers of our orthodox Egyptology still maintain that it was desert sand storms which done the damage, as they just cant open their minds to the most evident early dates of civilizations being found all over the earth. Similar pyramidal finds from South America to China to Japans underwater roads just don’t fit with known history and so many have been simply thrown out with the trash, but these wonders were built on the 4th dimensional earth .Do you know there are more Pyramids in China than in Egypt? You have to remember that our centuries of conquering armies and terrorizing religions re-wrote history to suit their own agendas. Its obvious that the body of the Sphinx was worn by water and not by sand storms, as the wear was vertically down its sides and not horizontal. But how can this be ? As according to our history books there have been no significant downpours in Egypt within the given time scales of official Egyptology. Of course, it could only have happened before 8000 BC when Egypt was semi-tropical.So Buval set about to prove it was much older and that it was built by a lost civilization before Egypt. Again he used the precession program and find the answer. The Sphinx was staring at the horizon looking at the age of Leo (the lion) at the date 10,500 BC. Final. The last piece of the puzzle would fit if the Pyramid blocks showed evidence that a deluge happened, but unfortunately the beautiful original white casing stones were removed from the pyramid to build Cairo. Many ancient writers can remember being able to see these constructions from great distances and others suggest that this is how different civilizations on other planets knew if another planet was populated, as great lasers would beam out of the top of each pyramid also.This was thought to be a harmonic star-gate beam for the more dense energy phyical beings to travel along. But of course this is all hust speculation, but i like to think it function may have been a stargate.But getting back to the story. Luckily salt deposits and sea-shells were found halfway up the monument showing that Egypt was in-fact covered in sea water, it was once semi-tropical but the centuries of water killed the plant-life and was burnt by a great comet which it time formed into the Sahara desert. It had vast jungles and looked much like central America of today.So in conclusion, all of this points to the proof that our extremely advanced past civilization did in-fact exist millennia before the Egyptians, and that they built these incredible structures to mirror the sky at this mythical date, perfectly recording in stone this very special time of pre-history. So that when the later moderns were advanced enough, that we could decipher through our computers the knowledge that the clever ancients were trying to pass on.With every passing year we will find that the real truths of our history has been covered up to detach the human consciousness from their Mother earth consciousness. For its obvious that the head of the was re-carved as a Pharaoh much later, and its plain to see that most of the pyramids built after the first three at SphinxGiza are in various extreme states of decline and ruin. I thought that this would be the absolute proof to the moderns of the decline of civilization, it never fails to amaze me sometimes how strong the delusion really is on the human mind, I suppose that’s why blind faith is such an effective form of mind control. The Egyptian Pharaohs tried to replicate the Godly buildings which they found already standing in the desert, they thought they could only be great tombs of some magical god-like beings, who possibly came from the stars . It was certainly a much more magical world than what we see today, and the knowledge that other races visited the planet was normal, and you may ask how did a world of advanced humans exist before our own, and how were they ahead of this world technologically and spiritually in many ways than we are today? So all that remains to be asked is where did they come from? More importantly, where did their machines go? If the pyramid is aligned to Orion, does this mean the gods came from that system? Well, if you want to see some of the machines used, do a bit of research into the Egyptian site of Dendera and have a look at Abydos and Saqquara, but prepare yourselves as you are about to see proof that the ancients also had aircrafts. But a little secret before I go, I can tell you this, as I know that people are going to find this out anyway in the next few years. The secret is that our fore-fathers came from the planet Mars and countless other planets over millions of years, and the most recent wave of visitors came 50,000 years ago before Mars was hit by a giant comet from an exploding planet. Where the hell do you think all the different races come from? Indian-Asian-African-Caucasian. Certain other negative groups also came here around the same time and presented themselves as gods before starting genetic experiments on the different life forms on the planet. These beings were dying fugitives from a great war in space, and the ancestors of these groups are still controlling our world to this very day and they are turning this beautiful planet into one that suits themselves by destroying the atmosphere. But don’t worry I’m not the only (Reality Host) who has came back at this time, in fact there are thousands of us, and we are going to turn all of this nonsense around. There have been different kinds of Humans on the earth for millions of years, go deep into the caves and look at their beautiful paintings of the spirit animal gods they drew. Some times they were primitive, sometimes they still had their technology. But one thing is for sure, the cycles will bring change again, and as long as you know that these traumatic cataclysmic events are actually supreme chances of spiritual evolution simply disguised as end-times and that you cannot die as you are pure energy then you will be fine.
But you ask how the hell do I know all this to be true? Well as I’ve already told you once and maybe you didn’t listen, so ill tell you once more.
Its simple.
Dr Mu.
We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution."
(Bill Hicks)
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