Sunday, 13 July 2008

Vaccination fears

The multiple vaccination programs directed at children are not to protect, they are concocted in military funded laboratories to destroy the consciousness, higher wisdom and intuition of the Indigo children being born all over the planet at this time. This is the same way the cocktails of drugs given to A.I.D’s sufferers (an immune deficiency disease) actually lower the immune system even more and have led to many deaths of H.I.V patients who otherwise could have lived long, healthy and normal lives. At the moment there are constant scare tactics within the media about having to vaccinate all children from so-called super-bugs, and families through fear, are letting doctors pump cocktails of immune and consciousness destroying poisons into their precious offspring. These worldwide vaccines were only invented to destroy the immune system, suppress higher consciousness and lower the spirituality of the incarnating star-children which are being born all over the planet at this time; they have come to help lift the human race out of its coma. The Illuminati's most pre-eminent leaders have recently taken a keen interest in the field of vaccines. They have established a special task force to oversee the administration of vaccines to children and adults throughout the world, called the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).(www.conspiracy

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