These people have their own Celtic Gaelic language and its known that along with the other Druidic/Celtic tribes such as the Irish, Cornish and Welsh, that these people were used by ancient kings and Egyptian Pharaohs as seer's or mediums. For many Celts are naturally psychic, having come from a completely different bloodline than the Anglo-Saxon Caucasians who were originally from the Romania/ Transylvania direction as opposed to Egypt. It is believed to have something to do with the way the pigment Melanin is distributed around the body and 3rd eye pineal-gland, as this is also the reason for red hair. Ulster-Scots are an ethnic group in Ireland descended from mainly Lowland Scots who settled in the Province of Ulster in Ireland, during the 17th century. Their modern hero is King William of Orange of the Netherlands who became the Protestant King of England after defeating the Catholic King James 11 at the battle of the Boyne in 1690.Shortly after this he founded the Illuminati controlled Bank of England. This is when the genocide and takeover of the world through British imperialism began. The modern Protestants have no idea about their so-called saviour’s dark alliances. On the Ulster flag there is a "Red Hand" mounted on the "Star of David", under a Royal Crown. Why would symbols of Israel's royalty be on the flag of people who have been taught that they are gentiles? It must have been the Irish, who built the pyramids, for no one else could carry up the bricks. It must have been a Doyle, who swam the river Nile, for no one but an Irishman could fight a crocodile. And every Houlihan once led a caravan; they say the same for every Mc and O. When Moses came to Egypt and saw those Irish faces, He took the name of Callahan and changed it to O'Asis. Now all the Houlihans and all the Gilligan’s Must have been Egyptians long ago-o-ooo- (Irish Were Egyptians old Celtic song).
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Useless eaters
The Illuminati spelt out the kind of people that they wanted to eradicate from earth before their New World Order comes fully in. They consider ethnic people, drug addicts and homosexuals as useless eaters because they do not have families which contribute to the economy. So they genetically manufactured the A.I.D’s virus to wipe out these people. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. (Martain Luther King)
Vaccination fears
The multiple vaccination programs directed at children are not to protect, they are concocted in military funded laboratories to destroy the consciousness, higher wisdom and intuition of the Indigo children being born all over the planet at this time. This is the same way the cocktails of drugs given to A.I.D’s sufferers (an immune deficiency disease) actually lower the immune system even more and have led to many deaths of H.I.V patients who otherwise could have lived long, healthy and normal lives. At the moment there are constant scare tactics within the media about having to vaccinate all children from so-called super-bugs, and families through fear, are letting doctors pump cocktails of immune and consciousness destroying poisons into their precious offspring. These worldwide vaccines were only invented to destroy the immune system, suppress higher consciousness and lower the spirituality of the incarnating star-children which are being born all over the planet at this time; they have come to help lift the human race out of its coma. The Illuminati's most pre-eminent leaders have recently taken a keen interest in the field of vaccines. They have established a special task force to oversee the administration of vaccines to children and adults throughout the world, called the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).(www.conspiracy
You watch the films and you think its fairy tale, but these creatures exist in one form or other. 14And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, (8) and to drink their blood. (Book of Enoch.).Hormones are secreted into the blood from certain glands in the body when people are terrified, and it’s this dark energy that the real reptilian vampires crave. It is these un-holy beasts that the Illuminati black magicians bow down to and worship. They are thought to reside in the lower 4th dimension and are also named Macrobes. All modern manufactured wars are mass human sacrifices to these lower 4th dimensional demons as they thrive on negative energy. Vlad the Impaler was a real blood drinker from history who actually terrified a whole Turkish army who came to invade into turning back, by staking thousands of corpses all around his land. They liteally thought the Devil lived here. It’s also not unheard of, that warriors would drink each others blood from the neck of a dead comrade in battle for the adrenaline hit. Incidentally David Icke says the English Royal families are related to Vlad and that also the Bushes are cousins to the Queen. For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:24)
The Vedas are the oldest written text on the planet today. They date back to the beginning of Indian civilization, back to the hi-tech Brahma civilization that was said to have been atomically attacked by the armies of Atlantis. The texts are supposed to have been passed through oral tradition for over 100,000 years and were written down about 6000 years ago by sages and poets from different priestly groups. In the texts a vimana was a mythological flying machine. References to these flying machines are commonplace in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare, as well as being able to fly within Earth's atmosphere. Vimanas were also said to be able to travel into space and travel submerged underwater. (Check out pictures of Abydos in Egypt). Advanced human civilization has existed on earth for millions of years, and time and time again these civilizations end up destroyed in wars and massive cataclysms. When Alexander the Great invaded India more than two thousand years ago, his historians recorded that they were attacked by "flying, fiery shields" that dove at his army and frightened the cavalry. "Bhima flew with his Vimana on an enormous ray which was as brilliant as the sun and made a noise like a storm of thunder." – (The Veda Texts).Of course they could be talking about comets, but make sure you check out the entry for Mahabharata.
Vibration rates
Everything in reality is just energy and matter vibrating at different speeds. At this present time the photon belt is speeding 3D matter up and this is the sense that everyone feels of time speeding up. The living planet at this time is trying to raise its vibration to handle the photonic stresses it is feeling beaming from Galactic centre through the central sun Alcyone through the photon belt through our sun to earth. All humans on the planet have been unknowingly waiting for this time to jump evolution into the 4th dimension but the human race is a slave race genetically tuned down to use no more than 10% of their brains. And the Sleepers need to wake up quick. Monatomic Gold is a truly exotic substance. Highly-valued by ancient cultures for it's "mystical properties" and "magical powers", it is now re-emerging in modern times, seemingly, just as mankind needs it. Monatomic gold has been used throughout history to heal, encourage spiritual growth and enlightenment and even affect "gravity, space and time". Monatomic Gold is proving to be quite literally a unique "gift from the gods" that we are rediscovering in this time of spiritual need. Ancient texts have shown that the Pharaohs were fed "shew-bread" containing Monatomic Gold as they were considered worthy of the spiritual enlightenment, heightened awareness and increased life span it was reputed to deliver. It was considered too important to be given to "ordinary" humans. Ancient "priestly scientists" were well-aware of the enhancements monatomic elements made to the human body and DNA as well as helping transcend the spirit to a higher state of evolution. The Sumerians (Ancient Iraq) recorded that the gods, or the Annunaki as they called them, came down from heaven and (genetically) seeded mankind. A few selected humans were chosen to rule the rest as the "representatives" of the gods and were fed monatomic gold (also called Starfire) which made them more intelligent and able to rule the workers.(Evolution Super-food the vital link
Visionary stems
Referring to the God plants used in all early religions including Christianity, Islam and Judaism and all native Shamanic practices, which when prepared properly and ingested, brought on states of heightened intelligence, awareness and meetings with God .Most Biblical Prophets experienced their visions in altered drug induced states. The reality of this use was erased from modern religious understandings and in modern day these Holy plants have been demonized along-side modern recreational drug abuse. There are many plants on earth that help induce higher consciousness. If they are from the earth its obvious they are meant to be taken by the inhabitants. To make them illegal or to tax them is a crime. "The war on drugs to me is absolutely phoney; it's so obviously phoney, OK? It's a war against our civil rights, that's all it is. They're using it to make us afraid to go out at night, afraid of each other, so that we lock ourselves in our homes and they get to suspend our rights one by one." (Bill Hicks).
Within the voodoo society, there are no accidents. Practitioners believe the universe is all one and each thing affects something else. Voo-doo. View-you. There is a lot more blood sacrifice in the Bible than in Voodoo. I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one-half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth. . (Thomas Jefferson).I n fact the word blood is the second most used word after God. The word "voodoo" comes from the West African word "vodun," meaning spirit. It was born in Haiti during the European colonization of Hispaniola and some estimate this religion to be over 10,000 years old. Within the misery of slavery, the Africans found in their faith a common thread. They began to invoke not only their own Gods, but to practice rites other than their own. Within the voodoo society, there are no accidents. Practitioners believe the universe is all one and each thing affects something else. Voo doo. View you. Its all about understanding that people as individuals are mirrors of their own personal universe. This is the same as the concept of creating our own realities. The trance dance is an expression of spirituality and of connection to the spirit world. It has been badly misinterpreted by Christian society as evil. “You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?"(Dan Barker, Losing Faith in Faith)
Vril Power
The Vril/Thule society has connections to the Bavarian Illuminati.They made the first flying disc in 1917 but it failed. The Nazis believed in a super Aryan race that lived within the hollow earth and would one day leave the cavern cities and come backup the the surface and take control.
War of the gods
Recorded in every ancient text of the world is the story of these wars. From India to Scandinavia to Ireland and America the ancients talk of the Extraterrestrial nuclear technology wars of pre-history. There are over 30,000 texts from the ancient world that talk of the wars in heaven between the gods. Some of these texts exactly describe modern warfare, flying discs, machines,flights into space and atomic strikes, but many are talking about meteorite storms at different times which looked like flying crafts. The ancients were very aware of E.T involvement in their world and their religions, but they thought these different races for the stars were God. They are all the way through the Bible. Eventually man in his unconscious narcissism has to try and prove himself superior to his gods.(Dr Mu)
Weather Weapons
It’s a fact that the technology exists to manipulate weather. Many of the earthquakes and hurricanes happening to the planet at this time are man-made.We have reached a level of scientific advancement, where we can start to understand the higher levels of technology which the ancients possessed. Believe it or not, we have not even reached their levels, but we can now at least grasp how far ahead of the modern world that the ancient lost scientists just might have been.(Nicola Tesla) born in1856, died 1943, New York City) was a Serbian-American inventor who discovered the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology. He also lighted 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 25 miles and created man-made lightning, producing flashes measuring 135 feet. He was certain he had received signals from another planets and that he could split the Earth like an apple. He claimed he had invented a death ray capable of destroying 10,000 airplanes at a distance of 250 miles .H.A.A.R.P .This great scientist invented free energy machines which tapped into the natural forces of the earths gravity and tectonics to harness power. But these inventions were done away with as the big wigs in the oil trade would have been ruined had this kind of energy been manufactured world wide. There was no great financial gain in it at that time, yet it would have transformed the face of our civilization, and probably we would be far in advance evolutionary wise than our present earth torturing predicament. Today there is even work on reversing gravitational fields which would relegate all the immense fuel waste in the space rockets to a Dark-age era. These fields could propel any size of craft up through the atmosphere with the most miniscule use of power, for they would just reverse the gravity through an artificial field to go up or down. See , easy. Fields of gravity, with the help of other substances powdered gold can also make great weights, weightless for transportation or even cloak objects to make them invisible. Philadelphia Experiment. This is all pretty much understood now, but is heavily suppressed ,for it could only improve the way we live ,and lift us up to a more cleaner and harmonious existence with the earth. But hey! why would the ones in power want that? So what about the ancient power precision? Well the ancients had it all. For how did they raise gigantic blocks to the height of 300-400ft.Our cranes could lift that today ,but not to those heights.(Or maybe it was the Giants) .And what about the gravity fields? Well they had that to. Read into the Mahabharata and the Vedas for all will be explained. But what was the use of the pyramids? We know that they weren’t tombs ,that’s old news. So why did these people toil to such heights of perfection? There must have been a crucial importance for such a workload? And how does this connect to ancient power precision? Well, for the answers, beam over to the magnificent and unbelievable Great Pyramid. And remember ,in the era of BC ,the so-called priests were scientists, alchemists and magicians somewhat. What we know as religion is a much later and more primitive misunderstanding of natures immense Godlike power.Tesla was a genius and he was involved with building the world's first flying saucer projects equipped with Free-Energy. He had figured out how to tap lightning electricity generated by the earth's rotation like the ancients had done long ago. He developed "Scalar Electro-magnetics and with it invented an earthquake machine which he said could split the earth in two, but now the Illuminati controls it. Weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels.(Research Paper Presented To Air Force 2025 August 1996)
We-moon Cycles
In pre-history when humans respected and worshipped the Goddess/earth, they followed the moon calendar of 13 months of 28 days. This was a time of great knowledge when women were in control and were the leaders of the tribes. The Spirit of We-Moon is the belief in the evolution of all women, and the return to the knowledge of Goddess/earth worship, which was purged by the male dominated religions who burnt and slaughtered thousands of highly evolved earthly souls under the guise of being witches. There was a time when humans followed the Mayan nature calendar of 13 months of 28 days and women’s menstrual cycles came around monthly like clockwork. This crime exists right up to modern day and is seen in the subjugation of females in every walk of life. This act spiritually detached all humans from mother earth and sent the entire human race into a material left-brained sleep. This is called the called The Spell of Leviathan, the Moon Spell Or Lunatic (lunar) State Of Mind. Religion is a spell because it has many believing that you can’t have anything of worth until after you die, which keeps the human consciousness in a fictitious place somewhere in the un-created, un-manifested future, hiding and suppressing the realisation that all power is here in the present in the Now within ourselves. I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." (Stephen Roberts speaking to a religious person)
White Electric Mirror Mayan Line
Referring to the mystery schools of the Mayan Indians which taught Lemurian earth knowledge through crystal harmonic light frequencies. This is one of the houses of knowledge within the Mayan calendar system. This is the nature calendar that the ancients used to work with the differing daily energies of the year. The Mayans knew that if an an idividual was born in a certain year on a certain day they would have a certain role on earth and no other. Having a very specific mission to earth.
Wisdom Smoke
From about 40,000 years ago humans have used hallucinogenic plant mixtures to meet with the earth and animal gods. This is just one of the reasons along with comets, sun mutation and exploding supernovas how the ancients were able to evolve all a sudden into advanced humans and how they where able to find out which plants could be used for healing and which were poisonous. Humans are meant to be smoking these plants regularly and engaging in sacred ceremonies to take them into the spirit world, but all we have left to pick around our cities are the magic-mushrooms and they were made illegal. Why make nature illegal, surely God left them for us so we could speak to her?“I believe that God left certain drugs growing naturally upon our planet to help speed up and facilitate our evolution.” (Comedian/ Bill Hicks/ R.I.P)
World Bank
Leaders of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the European Union meet every year and attend the Bilderberg group. These are the insane people who run the world and are accountable to no-one or any country. This is what’s known as the New World Order. (Henry Ford) "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking system and monetary system,for if they did, i believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning". The World Bank is owned and controlled by the Rothschilds and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world. For over 150 years they have planned to take the world over through money. This is the true agenda of the lower 4th dimension possessed Illuminati. Every country they have got involved in has ended up with a crashed economy, a destroyed government, and sometimes in flames with riots. (Josiah Stamp,Former Director of the Bank of England... The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them,but leave them the power to create money,and with a flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. However,take away from them the power to create money,and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear,for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery,let them continue to create money. The ET’s who control these human carnivores are not interested in money they just want the earths natural resources and to reduce the human population to a manageable size. The plan is to micro-chip humans to turn them into spiritless clone/slaves and to wipe out all races which they feel are un-beneficial to their plans. This means people of colour and the poor. This they intend to try to do through debt, manufactured natural disasters using H.A.A.R.P technology and worldwide disease epidemics. They are a lovely bunch. You go to a bank to borrow 'money'. Or you think you do. In fact, the 'money' is merely figures typed into your computer account. It does not exist, except as figures in a computer program. The banks are allowed to 'lend' at least ten times what they have on deposit - but this 'deposit', too, is only figures on a screen. There is no 'money', it's all an illusion. (David Icke, 2005 )
A passage in space-time connecting widely separated parts of the universe. Einstein theorized that the possibility of a wormhole for instantaneous travel from point A to point B. There are many ET races in the galaxy that use wormholes regularly, its quite a normal feat to the many races that exist outside of linear time. Every black hole is a potential wormhole star-gate. Scientists are still trying to find one and prove they exist. But I ask you, how do you think that I, Dr Mu got here? Da! Da!
The Hebrew/Christian God known also as Jehovah. He was a male wrathful two faced killer who asked for human Sacrifices. In fact he was everything in nature that the Israelites didn’t understand, most of all a volcano. He is the supposed father of the passive Christian Sun-God Jesus. But in fact Yahweh was many many essences misunderstood and mixed up. He was the presence of the Lord (electricity bolts) which came out of the Ark of the Covenant within the Great Pyramid, he was also many comets, meteorites and earthquakes, he was also confused with certain E.T groups most of all the two Annuniki brothers Enki and Enlil, who were manipulating humans into wars and genocide. But for the most part when he led Moses (Akhenaton) and the Israelites (Hyksos tribe) through the Sinai, he was a volcano. Jehovah (or "Java", as he was actually called) was originally the name of a volcano god of the ancient Arabs. He is thought to be the creator of the universe, so lets just see what the Bible says. I intend to overload you here, and this isn't even half of the evidence. Some of these verses could even be a rocket landing. Yahweh was the god of the southern Palestinian tribes, who associated this concept of deity with Mount Horeb, the Sinai volcano. Yahweh was merely one of the hundreds and thousands of nature gods which were worshipped by the Semitic tribes and peoples. When the ancient Hebrew lexicographers added vowels to YHWH, they borrowed the vowels of the powerful Egyptian and Phoenician Sun-God deities. When the vowels of the Egyptian Sun-God Aten (Amen) were added, YHWH became Y(A)HW(E)H. It simply means “I am what i am”.(Exodus 19:16-20)16 And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.17 And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount.18 And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.19 And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice.(Exodus 20:18-22)18 And all the people saw the thundering, and the lightning’s, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.(Deuteronomy 4:10-12)11 And ye came near and stood under the mountain; and the mountain burned with fire unto the midst of heaven, with darkness, clouds, and thick darkness.12 And the LORD spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only ye heard a voice.(Psalms 18:6-15)12 At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.13 The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.14 Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them.(Isaiah 64:1-3)1 Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence,2 As when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy name known to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence!3 When thou didst terrible things which we looked not for, thou camest down, the mountains flowed down at thy presence.(Psalm 18 18:12) From the brightness in front of him came hail and fiery coals.(Exodus 13:20-22)By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night .I want to leave you with these two verses to read very very carefully. Either this is proof of the Bibles extreme mistranslations or there is something much much more disturbing being said.
Samuel 24)-And again the anger of the (LORD) was kindled against Israel and he moved David against them to say, go, number Israel and Judah. Then look at this. (1st Chronicles 21.)And (SATAN) stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm! That would explain all the Bibles human sacrifice and they have the cheek to call the South American Indians savages for doing the same. That's nothing, the Muslims worship a black meteorite inside Mecca.
Samuel 24)-And again the anger of the (LORD) was kindled against Israel and he moved David against them to say, go, number Israel and Judah. Then look at this. (1st Chronicles 21.)And (SATAN) stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm! That would explain all the Bibles human sacrifice and they have the cheek to call the South American Indians savages for doing the same. That's nothing, the Muslims worship a black meteorite inside Mecca.
Yellowstone Park
The largest super volcano in the world which is showing some disturbance at this time. If this thing erupted it would annihilate America and block out the sun destroying crops causing mass extinction all over the planet. Its getting rather unstable at the moment forcing certain parts of it to be closed.Lets hope the sleepers wake up before this happens and we move into the 4th dimension before the 3rd dimension dies again.
This is the real name of the great Shaman Christ which his family would have spoken to him using. All words and names have a certain vibration and some are very powerful and holy mantras. The name Jesus is different. The Bible was not written in English. What we read in English today are translations from other languages. The "New Testament" was written in Greek. Hence, the name "Jesus" is found nowhere in the Scriptures—it is a translation of the Greek name "Iesous" (pronounced "[ee]yeh-sooce"). "Iesous" came over into the Latin "Jesu" (pronounced "yehsoo") and finally into English as "Jesus."(Dan Corner).And finally"If Jesus where here today, there is one thing he wouldn't be .A Christian" (Mark Twain)
The action-reaction of the universe. Religious people think a God is always watching them and will punish or reward them accordingly. But everything in the universe is electro-magnetic energy so whatever thoughts and actions you give out you have to receive back. This is the balance within all creation. Solidifying the belief that for every action there has to be a reaction. The yin/yang symbol is the interlocking, melting together of the flow of movement within a circle.(Chungliang Al Huang)
Saturday, 12 July 2008
When we practice yoga we are stretching the negative energy out of our bodies, and by breathing deep we replace it with new restoring life force energy. The regular stretching will make the body supple again, and we all know a more flexible muscle is a stronger muscle, this will in turn make us feel younger and when we feel young we believe we are, and believe it or not this can actually slow ageing down as it releases toxins. So remember wherever the mind goes the body follows, and we are most certainly what we eat. This is us plugged back into the power source, where we can recharge our being ready for creating everything we want in the present moment at full power.This was one of the arts along with meditation etc that was devised to help the humans balance and deal with the new alien D.N.A in their make-up. We used to be naturally connected to the source purely by breathing prana but birth trauma causes people to breathe shallow so as to not take in life giving breath. Is a group of ancient spiritual practices originating in India. They are thought to lead to spiritual experience and profound understanding or insight into the nature of existence.(Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia)
Thursday, 10 July 2008
This was the starting point of the world again, halfway through the 26,000 year precessional cycle. After the solar system emerged from the great cataclysm after being in the photon band for 2000 years. This is the first time of Osiris (Egyptian god and Orion constellation the Hunter) when the worlds civilizations re-started after the dimensional polar-shift. Orion was at its lowest point in the southern sky and has been rising through precession ever since. At the time of this destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria, when the Earth shook, and all was lost in the oceans of creation, the secret knowledge was hidden in crystals, and higher frequency elements to be released at the time of the Zep Tepi. This is that time. The gods waited for the seas to settle and when the sun did shine, it rose in the Age of Leo, symbolized by the Lion Sphinx who sits beside the Great Pyramid (male-female).Zep-tepi is a place of awakening and a place of forgetfulness as there is a mass out of body experience. It is the beginning and the end of all and everything. It is the home of the creational forces, those who bend and shape realities through sound, light and colour encoding new DNA. Earth has now completed another cycle, soon it all happens again. (Alan. F. Alford being interviewed about his exploding planet theory).You propose that, at the time of Zep Tepi, the Earth had a perfect 360-day orbit as opposed to 365.25 days today. Is this merely a metaphysical wish on behalf of the ancient priests or is it your contention that it has some basis in fact?
(Alford) .I am fairly certain that this was 'a metaphysical wish' as you put it. It makes sense from an Egyptian perspective that the explosion of a planet brought chaos into a perfect universe (of Heaven and Earth) and thus extended the year by five days. Hence the legend of Nut giving birth to her five children of chaos. Readers are reminded that '5' was the number of the Egyptian Duat. The whole point of Egyptian religion was to go back in time, undo the act of creation, and restore perfect order. Symbolically, this involved eliminating the five days of imperfection and restoring the imagined perfect year of 360 days
(Alford) .I am fairly certain that this was 'a metaphysical wish' as you put it. It makes sense from an Egyptian perspective that the explosion of a planet brought chaos into a perfect universe (of Heaven and Earth) and thus extended the year by five days. Hence the legend of Nut giving birth to her five children of chaos. Readers are reminded that '5' was the number of the Egyptian Duat. The whole point of Egyptian religion was to go back in time, undo the act of creation, and restore perfect order. Symbolically, this involved eliminating the five days of imperfection and restoring the imagined perfect year of 360 days
What was the reason for restarting time at the supposed birth of Christ? It was so that the dark-lords could steal time through their new calendars. There is a distinct possibility that this is not actually 2008 but earlier. Or maybe its later and we are already in the 4th dimension creating, and manifesting our hell world instantly with our thoughts. Hmmm! "Come on Milhouse, there’s no such thing as a soul! It’s just something they made up to scare kids, like the Boogie Man or Michael Jackson.” (Bart Simpson)
Massive pyramid step-like structures built in ancient Sumeria for the E.T gods, so they could interact and impregnate the human females. (Genetic experiments).This story is told very clearly in the Bible. These gods were the Annuniki. In the Bible “God” or the “gods” (E.T’s) destroy the Tower of Babel, which was a giant pyramid-like construction built over the site of a giant vortex which housed the stargate. The human population on earth all spoke one language at this time and were becoming very intelligent and were starting to threaten the “gods” with their growing intelligence. (Verse 7 of Genesis 11) uses the plural Eloheem. So If you believe there was just one God, then who was he speaking to in these verses and who else in narrating the story? Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As men moved eastward, [they found a plain in Shinar (Iraq) and settled there. 3 They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." 5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. 6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." 8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth. Of course, another theory is that God was the volcano God Yahweh, and that the actual disturbance is primitive symbolism or deliberate misinterpretation.This could easily have been a massive natural disaster; for now most of the people on the earth are no more than a bunch of babbling fools following celebrity gods.
Most often designates the Land of Israel and its capital, Jerusalem. The word is found in texts dating back almost three millennia. It commonly referred to a specific mountain near Jerusalem (Mount Zion), on which stood a Jebusite fortress that was conquered and named the City of David. The ruling Zionists controlling the genocide of the Muslim people today are not necessarily Jewish for they are a political movement, and they are certainly not the Biblical Hebrews .No Jew today can trace his ancestry past the 17th century and because of the Nazi Holocaust most Jews don’t realise that their peoples only adopted Judaism in the years AD. The Zionists bombed Israel into existence. They were terrorists."[Israel will] create in the course of the next 10 or 20 years conditions which would attract natural and voluntary migration of the refugees from the Gaza Strip and the west Bank to Jordan. To achieve this we have to come to agreement with King Hussein and not with Yasser Arafat."(Yitzhak Rabin prime minister of Israel talking in 1983)
Means animal circle and is referring to the 12 star signs. The Bible is the story of the zodiac put into the form of symbolic tales using human characters and animals to represent the cycles of the sky. So if you still don't believe this have a final look at these verses. This is Biblical astrology. FINAL. The Age of Aries was marked in the Old Testament by the Passover lamb.(look at Aries and these following constellations on a zodiac). 21Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. (Ex. 12:21)The Age of Pisces (2 fishes) began when the sun (son of God) entered Pisces at the spring equinox 18As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 19And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:18-19)So when Jesus told his disciples he will be with them until the end of an age, he meant the Age of Pisces. His time is almost over. There will be no end of the world, only the end of an Age. 20teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:20 NIV)And here it actually mentions the zodiac."Can you bring forth the Mazzaroth (the zodiac) in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs? (an astrological constellation)" (Job 38:32)The Bible is said to be the greatest story ever told, but you don’t have to look too deep to find out that the Bible is the story of the Precession of the equinox. The Bible is the greatest astrological story ever told.(Jordan maxwell).So here we are with the golden question. If Gods Biblical story is so obviously written in the stars, and the New Testament utterly symbolic of the SUN's journey through the cross of the zodiac and its various constellations as above, then who is this impersonating God and saying these following things?Thus says the Lord, "Do not learn the way of the nations, And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens Although the nations are terrified by them; For the customs of the peoples are delusion... (Jeremiah 10:2-3).The greatest story ever told and the greatest contradiction ever written. The concept of the zodiac is very ancient, with roots in the early cited cultures of Mesopotamia. Astrology is, more than likely, the oldest religion created by humans. Have a look at Aquarian age.
2nd Dimension
Offers a ‘living’ experience as an animal, from the amoeba to the whale, dolphin or cow. Only the latter three species possess a soul. And only on the Indian continent is the cow recognized as a higher animal because of her link to the earth as the mother who suckles the human children. The 1st dimension consists of life as an ‘inanimate’ object, such as a rock, and is the lowest of the physical dimensions. Its highest format is the crystal, especially when it becomes a record-keeper, and thereby able to transmit information to mankind. There is life memory, reincarnation and intelligence in all forms." Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form."(Rumi)
3rd Dimension
This is the level where earth is now and it is the only density where openly negative and openly positive characters can exist on the same planet. This is also where beings can do evil yet justify it to their own minds that they are doing it for the good. This consciousness has overtaken many religious and political people. But the whole positive aspects of the planet will move into 4th density in 2012.There are dimensions beneath our 3rd, where plants elves, forest folk and spirits etc reside. But there are many above us also, where many different kinds of higher beings and consciousnesses exist. "I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the THIRD HEAVEN. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know - God knows. And I know that this person - whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows - was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that humans are not permitted to tell." (2 Cor. 12:1-4)
3rd Eye
The pineal gland in the brain is used to secrete a hormone that the ancient humans could use to speak with animals and each other telepathically. This was genetically turned off by the E.T gods by splicing in their D.N.A. It is about the size of a pea, and is in the centre of the brain, the geometric centre of the cranium. It lies behind the forehead. The pineal gland, is a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper, for the human body. Mystical traditions and esoteric schools, have long known, this area in the middle of the brain, to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. At night, when light no longer stimulates the brain the hormone melatonin is released and higher consciousness is realised helping us dream. Religions have always made people believe that they need teachers to reconnect you to the source, and yet nobody has ever been disconnected. Awareness is ever there. It need not be realized. Open the shutter of the mind, and it will be flooded with light. (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj)
4TH Dimension
This is the density (heart chakra) that the planet as a whole (except negative toxic people) is going to jump into in 2012.It is the density of unconditional love, but on the negative, is also the love of self, and you can instantly manifest any reality you wish. Many people on the earth are starting to feel this already, but without 5th density wisdom they are open to emotional manipulation. This is the very obvious breakdowns in relationships as they are manifesting their very own hell with their negative thought patterns. This is what the religions refer to as the rapture, but there wont be any zombies floating up to Heaven like they're told to imagine. Ascension, as New Ager's call it is a biological and biochemical process. The less one continues to add toxins and viruses or bacteria to their body, the more likely it will be a smooth ride.
5 Platonic solids
The 5 geometric shapes that everything in the universe and nature are made up of. All of the ancient monuments on Mars and the Moon show evidence that this knowledge is universal. These are 3-dimensional shapes with identical geometric angles. Platonic Solids form part of Sacred Geometry. They were first catalogued by the ancient philosopher, Plato (hence their name), although evidence of these most magical of shapes has been found around the world for in excess of 1000 years prior to Plato's documentation. The first four shapes correspond with the elements: earth (hexahedron), air (octahedron), fire (tetrahedron) and water (icosahedron), with the fifth, dodecahedron, representing heaven or the Universe. All of the above shapes occur naturally within the crystal world.
5th Dimension
This is the realm of light (throat chakra) which must also be reached along with 4th density consciousness so as to be aware of self sacrifice for the greater good. This dimension holds the templates for the DNA patterns of all types of creation. The Gorilla kingdom has not the right DNA for ascension and is choosing extinction, along with1800 species . Those species choosing extinction will become ill in due course and perish. All humans except the original earth African races were dumped here from other star systems where they were genetically crafted as warriors. Humans may also be unconsciously choosing extinction. You believe the world's 12 thousand years old? 'That's right.' Okay, I got one word to ask you. A one word question. Ready? 'Uh-uh.' Dinosaurs.(Bill Hicks )
5th New world of man
The North American Native Indian Hopi tribe believe in the coming "Earth Shaking", or Spiritual Earth 'Purification' Time. They believe in the hope of the Coming of the 5th Perfected and Final Age on this earth. This will bring about the restoration and eternal preservation of the earth and all life upon it. "The time will come when from the earth will arise a mystic fog which will dilute the minds and hearts of all people. Their guidelines of wisdom and knowledge will falter, the Great Laws of our Creator will dissolve in the minds of people. Children will be out of control and will no longer obey the leaders, immorality and the competitive war of greed will flourish.(Hopi Indian prophecy).This is very similar to this verse from the Bible. There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.(2 Timothy3:1 Bible)
7th Heaven
Different holy characters were taken on different types of heavenly flights up to the 7th heaven. These are the 7 densities of earth up above this positive/negative physical 3rd dimension. The Israelites (The Hyksos Akhenaton followers) who assembled at Mount Sinai to receive the 10 commandments part of the Torah (re-written Egyptian history) were treated to a glimpse of all seven heavens opened up above them. This was after ingesting the hallucinogenic mushrooms which they found in the dew of the morning which became known as manna. These are the higher levels of reality which were hidden from humans through genetic manipulation by the gods. It was "a place such as has never been known for the goodliness of its appearance. And I saw all the trees of beautiful colors and their fruits ripe and fragrant, and all kinds of food which they produced, springing up with delightful fragrance. And in the midst (there is) the tree of life, in that place, on which God rests, when He comes into Paradise. And this tree cannot be described for its excellence and sweet odor. And it is beautiful more than any created thing."( 2nd book of Enoch)
7 tablets of creation
The creation story in the Bible is not unique, it was copied from much earlier texts that were found in Babylon/Iraq. In its earliest days this area was called Sumeria, and this is where the Annuniki gods first landed, created humans and dwelt. The Babylonian Enuma Elish is the earliest written creation myth in the world, in which the God Marduk battles the chaos Goddess Tiamat (Earth). The Genesis creation story in the Bible was a battle between the planets which forced the creation of planet earth through great cosmic collisions, and heaven (the heavens) were the creation of the solar system and asteroid belt from the decimated piece of Tiamat .Only the first part of Genesis “let there be light” is talking about the Big Bang as this story is made up of many different times. It is hard for us today to imagine the Jesus story being consciously created, but this is because we have misunderstood ancient spirituality. Myths were not seen as untruths as they are now. They were understood as allegories of spiritual initiation, which encoded profound mystical teachings. Reworking old myths to create new ones was a standard practice in the ancient world.("The Jesus Mysteries"" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy.)
9 Dimensional man
Christ is thought to have been a 9 dimensional being who came here to inject the love vibration back into the planet for the humans on the lead up to 2012.Its understandable why people thought he was the son of God, but he never said he was he always said he was the son of Man. Christ-consciousness is returning to every human on the planet there is not just one man returning. We will actually meet many humanoid extraterrestrials who look like earth humans, some with beards and long hair, some with big heads. The template for intelligent life in the universe is the human body. Is the plane of the collective consciousness of planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions. Once again, it is very difficult to get a sense of in this form because you are so vast that everything is "you". Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather. (Bill Hicks).
The date that the Mayan calendar finishes along with many others. Many people think it will be the end of the world, but this is deliberate propaganda to scare people into accepting a nefarious New World Order government based on the worship of Lucifer. It’s simply the end of this age of the zodiac, and a merging and splitting of many times and cycles of reality. After the year 2012, there is no lapse in time between a thought form and manifestation form. So, if a remote viewer in 1990 cannot see beyond 2012 it is to a large degree because the realities beyond 2012 have not been conceived of yet, or we are just perceiving and creating them now with our thoughts in the present. The Dark Lords have an agenda to have the worlds population reduced to 500,000000 by this date (by any means possible). The earth is supposed to physically flip on its axis through a polar-shift around this date, this will create new continents and coasts and a world-wide out of body experience known to the religions as the rapture and the New Age as the ascension. Past the stars in fields of ancient void, through the shields of darkness where they find, love upon a land a world unknown, where the sons of freedom make their home, leave the earth to Satan and his slaves, leave them to their future in their graves, make a home where love is there to stay, peace and happiness in every day. (Into The Void Black Sabbath). At the end of this present cycle, humanity will learn to keep cosmic time, galactic time, quantum time and solar time like the higher races in the rest of the galaxy.
20 symbols from the stars
This is referring to the Mayan Calendar glyphs which each represent a different energy to be used on their special days for maximum cosmic effect. Each person is born under one of the 20 Mayan Sun Sign Symbols also called Day Signs or Day Lords and one of the 13 Galactic tones. By combining the information of one's Mayan Sun Sign and Galactic tone, you end up with a very unique personality pattern, one of 260 possible combinations
The 33rd parallel
The number 33 is very significant to the heavily symbolic and ceremony driven New World Order. When the English news was reporting the London bombings there was a 33 at the bottom of the screen. The street they were reporting from was Tavistock. This according to David Ikce on one of his videos is the world centre of global mind control. American Freemasonry and related power elites are responsible for a number of murders and provocations to war which happened along or close to the northern 33rd degree of latitude, also known as the 33rd Parallel. Most of the world's wealth is stored north of the 33rd Parallel. Major financial centers north of the 33rd Parallel include London, New York, Chicago, and Switzerland. Most of this planet's six billion people live south of the 33rd Parallel. Kennedy was shot while riding in the back of a limousine on Elm Street in Dallas, Texas, just south of the 33rd degree of latitude, the 33rd Parallel. The United States "Nightmare on Elm Street1704-1662 B.C. .(www.hidden
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
10,500 BC
This is the date that the Sphinx and Great Pyramid where cosmically aligned to. The ancients knew the only thing that would survive the coming cataclysm of between 9-11 thousand BC would be the giant pyramid. The planet goes through many creation and destruction cycles, for there is masses of proof all across the very ancient world that extremely advanced human civilation has been destroyed many times. This above date is showing the establishment of a new world and new cycle of evolution into the left-brained intellectual age after the old right-brained world of Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed in a great global catastrophe.The ancient spiritual humans knew the only thing that would survive the inevitable magnetic reversal of earth and coming ungodly cataclysm would be the giant 4th dimensional Great pyramid and others in Mexico just like it, for they knew the planet goes through many creation and destruction cycles and it was nearly that time once again. This date is showing the end of Atlantis and Lemuria when they were destroyed instigating earths fall into a 3 dimensional physical mess of what we now refer to as known history and the present modern celebrity age.The trauma of the cataclysm and the on-going mess afterwards instigated the creation of the skitzophrenic homo-sapien and we were never ever the same intelligent multi-dimensional beings ever again.The earth and her human inhabitants are intricately caught up in many cosmic cycles, being each a cog in the mechanical ocean of the great infinite star sea. So for now open your mind wide once more as I am about to take you beyond astrology into the realm of cosmic consciousness. To understand what is happening to the world at this moment in time you need to be aware first that these great cycles actually exist and how they directly affect our consciousness, for we are certainly not taught their truth in school, education or any form of so-called structured religion for that matter.Well, actually we are taught them within religion its just that they are presented as literal stories and so their true meanings are utterly lost. In earths ancient world these cycles were common knowledge among the everyday nature worshipping Pagan people, for researchers continue to find within their ancestors religious calendars and cultures, overwhelming proof that cosmic cycles formed the very foundation of life on earth and understandings of evolution. The ancient earth people were sky watchers, in fact we were tracking the skies as they knew certain astrological times directly affected how the earth and its inhabitants behaved. Not just behaviour was being monitored at this time, for the ancients were watching very closly for movements in the earths crust and fanatically tracking comets.We all know the 12 star signs, as we are each assigned one due to our time of birth. We know that within one earth year we move through all 12 and then go round and round again aging in the process. But there is a much larger cycle through the sky-signs and it takes nearly 26,000 years to complete, and this is what’s known as the Precession of the equinox the father of our earthly clocks. Our ancestors had vast knowledge of this 26,000 year cycle and they knew that at the13, 000 year halfway point the earth would once again cleanse itself with a 2000 year stint in the Photon-belt which would bring on a magnetic reversal of the earths magnetic field and a possible pole-shift which in turn would flood the planet and re-arrange much of the surface of the earth. This natural action would erase (like it did many times before) most of the evidence and knowledge of the advanced hi-tech world that came before this one. And so the scientific ancients constructed the amazing Great Pyramid on the ancient meridian centre of the earth, aligned to the points of the compass so as to be a scale model of the northern hemisphere of our earth. Some crazy ancient ledgends say it was built from the top down by a powerful race of dwarfs, now thats another story, but I thought I might just throw that in. This seemingly magical feat was to show the level of advancement that humans had reached before the inevitable cataclysm struck and ended this time as within its dimensions are encoded the secrets of the universe in the form of Phi measurements 3.14 and the golden ratio 1.6. These people also built the Sphinx to gaze out at the horizon (Horus) to far off stars at this ending time of transformation, to seal in history their legacy for the inhabitants of our new world to marvel at. For the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid were the only things foreseen to survive the coming earth movements. There is much of this ancient world under the Sahara sand and the Mediterranean sea.Now, at this point if this all seems a bit far fetched, just remember that we all as a planet are spinning in the spaces, on a ball of conscious living water at the end of an evolving spiral arm in this perfect expanding galaxy, the Milky Way. Just to put things into perspective. Ok lets continue. The earth does not spin vertically, its actually on a tilt of roughly 23.5 degrees, and because of this we experience 4 seasons on our planet. You have maybe heard astrological jargon such as (example) the sun is rising in Leo, etc etc, well, all this means is that the backdrop of space behind where the sun is rising, is the constellation of Leo. But the backdrop changes. This is where Christianity gets its idea of Jesus the son of God on the cross and his 12 disciples because, actually its all symbolic of the SUN of God on the cross of the zodiac with the 12 star signs around it. Virgo was the backdrop, so we get the sun of God being born of the virgin (Mary, and before her in Egypt-Isis-she is the mother of the sun-god on the horizon=Horus).Some say the original Sphinx head was a female and some say it was a lion, but for sure the male pharaoh head we see now was carved much later by the ancient Egyptians.See easy. Now imagine the planet at 23.5 degrees with a line drawn down through the earths centre poles and coming out both ends, and imagine the north pole line drawing a great circle in space as the planet spins. Well this is the path which we complete as a planet roughly every 26,000 years. Now imagine all the 12 signs around the edge of this circle and that we stay roughly 2160 years in each constellation as a backdrop in the night sky. You now have the basics of the cycle. At this point do not get confused with being able to see the plough or the Orion constellation in the skies coming back every year, and don’t get caught up in the 365 days of the year as we spin around the sun, for this bigger cycle is so subtle as to be unrecognisable to untrained eyes . But if you only knew where we are as a solar system in the grand cycle, in what’s known as a (platonic year ) and what significance it has to what is transpiring and unfolding on the worlds political stage today, for no big political disiccions are made without consulting astrology. Ok get ready, here we go.(Precession) was understood back in the time in ancient Mesopotamia (which is now Iraq) and Egypt, pre 3000BC. It was Hipparchusis (ancient Greek astronomer) who estimated Earth's precession around 130 BC so most people refer to him, but the ancient civilizations who lived millennia before him, all had a deep engrained knowledge of the subject. Precession actually moves counter clockwise west to east and its on march 21st when we can measure it, the day of the vernal equinox at the exact location where the suns plane crosses the equator. On this day the sun would be directly above the equator at high noon and there would be no shadow cast by a perpendicular stick protruding from level ground at the equator. In the cycle of the great year the suns elliptic intersects the celestial equator a little to the west of where it was the year before. So the earth really acts like a spinning top which is slowing down, and it’s the pull of the sun and moon which creates a bulge at the earths equator, for if this bulge didn’t happen there would be no precession. Precession changes about 1 degree of arc every 72 years, and you can see in past civilizations within their religions showing in what time of precession they lived .You will have the Romans worshipping ram idols about 200 BC (Aries) and the later Christians talking about the fish or fisher of men as they referred to Jesus (Pisces).You also then have the stories of the Golden Calf being worshipped by the Israelites (Taurus).The rough 2160 years of Pisces is passing, this was the time of religion, and our solar system is very much entering the next sign which is Aquarius (the water bearer) the time of awakening.
Its even written in the Bible that a disciple was sent into the city to find a man bearing water, this of course is secret symbolic language for Aquarius (Meeting with the water bearer) .This might seem of little relevance to someone that believes the Bible stories are actually real events, but the truth is that the Bible, old and new, is nothing more than the complete symbolic story of precession and the cycles of the Unfortunately the truth of this has been lost or disguised, and the names given to certain celestial bodies whose orbits and influencal events have been sucked up by millions who have blindly believed that they are reading about people. The ancient Christians and the Magi Druid Gnostic Shamans used symbolic stories to hide and pass on secret knowledge, these were never ever meant to be taken liteally.And sadly, in truth when it comes down to it, this behaviour is nothing more than pure blind faith and finger-crossed hope perpetrated by centuries of engrained indoctrinated fear. These poor people are basing their absolute salvations on mere symbolic tales. Ah! Well, that’s the way of the world. But listen. It takes roughly 80 years for each transition between the ages to fully happen, meaning by 2012 (oh that date again) we will be very much into the new age of enlightenment. But It was our great researcher Robert Buval who first came up with the genius idea that the 3 pyramids in Giza in Egypt, might have been constructed to represent the 3 stars on the belt of the Orion constellation who is the Egyptian high God Osiris (the hunter) . He would be correct of course. He and another great writer Graham Hancock with the use of computers backtracked the skies to see if a possible fit could be found. And what they did find blew our official history out of the water. They took the skies back to where Egyptology says the pyramids were built to around 2700BC and it didn’t match completely even though some some alignments did. So they went back and back until they hit the start of the cycle. And there it was, the evidence that the 3 pyramids of Egypt matched the belt of Orion exactly.But their new date was shocking to orordox Egyptology and totally unbelievable as it came out at 10,500 BC. According to our history books humans were supposed to be in the stone age running around clubbing each other, we weren’t supposed to be building monuments which, might I add, we cannot replicate even today, aligned to stars which science only discovered in the 20th century with telescopes. Hmmm! Think about that one. Buval and Hancocks evidence was questioned until they made their biggest discovery. The age of the Sphinx .It stands beside the pyramids as a guardian and its antiquity has been disputed for centuries.The Sphinx which was seemimly carved straight out of the natural bedrock suffered for centuries as torrents of rain and sea water poured into its compound onto its back and head damaging it greatly. Followers of our orthodox Egyptology still maintain that it was desert sand storms which done the damage, as they just cant open their minds to the most evident early dates of civilizations being found all over the earth. Similar pyramidal finds from South America to China to Japans underwater roads just don’t fit with known history and so many have been simply thrown out with the trash, but these wonders were built on the 4th dimensional earth .Do you know there are more Pyramids in China than in Egypt? You have to remember that our centuries of conquering armies and terrorizing religions re-wrote history to suit their own agendas. Its obvious that the body of the Sphinx was worn by water and not by sand storms, as the wear was vertically down its sides and not horizontal. But how can this be ? As according to our history books there have been no significant downpours in Egypt within the given time scales of official Egyptology. Of course, it could only have happened before 8000 BC when Egypt was semi-tropical.So Buval set about to prove it was much older and that it was built by a lost civilization before Egypt. Again he used the precession program and find the answer. The Sphinx was staring at the horizon looking at the age of Leo (the lion) at the date 10,500 BC. Final. The last piece of the puzzle would fit if the Pyramid blocks showed evidence that a deluge happened, but unfortunately the beautiful original white casing stones were removed from the pyramid to build Cairo. Many ancient writers can remember being able to see these constructions from great distances and others suggest that this is how different civilizations on other planets knew if another planet was populated, as great lasers would beam out of the top of each pyramid also.This was thought to be a harmonic star-gate beam for the more dense energy phyical beings to travel along. But of course this is all hust speculation, but i like to think it function may have been a stargate.But getting back to the story. Luckily salt deposits and sea-shells were found halfway up the monument showing that Egypt was in-fact covered in sea water, it was once semi-tropical but the centuries of water killed the plant-life and was burnt by a great comet which it time formed into the Sahara desert. It had vast jungles and looked much like central America of today.So in conclusion, all of this points to the proof that our extremely advanced past civilization did in-fact exist millennia before the Egyptians, and that they built these incredible structures to mirror the sky at this mythical date, perfectly recording in stone this very special time of pre-history. So that when the later moderns were advanced enough, that we could decipher through our computers the knowledge that the clever ancients were trying to pass on.With every passing year we will find that the real truths of our history has been covered up to detach the human consciousness from their Mother earth consciousness. For its obvious that the head of the was re-carved as a Pharaoh much later, and its plain to see that most of the pyramids built after the first three at SphinxGiza are in various extreme states of decline and ruin. I thought that this would be the absolute proof to the moderns of the decline of civilization, it never fails to amaze me sometimes how strong the delusion really is on the human mind, I suppose that’s why blind faith is such an effective form of mind control. The Egyptian Pharaohs tried to replicate the Godly buildings which they found already standing in the desert, they thought they could only be great tombs of some magical god-like beings, who possibly came from the stars . It was certainly a much more magical world than what we see today, and the knowledge that other races visited the planet was normal, and you may ask how did a world of advanced humans exist before our own, and how were they ahead of this world technologically and spiritually in many ways than we are today? So all that remains to be asked is where did they come from? More importantly, where did their machines go? If the pyramid is aligned to Orion, does this mean the gods came from that system? Well, if you want to see some of the machines used, do a bit of research into the Egyptian site of Dendera and have a look at Abydos and Saqquara, but prepare yourselves as you are about to see proof that the ancients also had aircrafts. But a little secret before I go, I can tell you this, as I know that people are going to find this out anyway in the next few years. The secret is that our fore-fathers came from the planet Mars and countless other planets over millions of years, and the most recent wave of visitors came 50,000 years ago before Mars was hit by a giant comet from an exploding planet. Where the hell do you think all the different races come from? Indian-Asian-African-Caucasian. Certain other negative groups also came here around the same time and presented themselves as gods before starting genetic experiments on the different life forms on the planet. These beings were dying fugitives from a great war in space, and the ancestors of these groups are still controlling our world to this very day and they are turning this beautiful planet into one that suits themselves by destroying the atmosphere. But don’t worry I’m not the only (Reality Host) who has came back at this time, in fact there are thousands of us, and we are going to turn all of this nonsense around. There have been different kinds of Humans on the earth for millions of years, go deep into the caves and look at their beautiful paintings of the spirit animal gods they drew. Some times they were primitive, sometimes they still had their technology. But one thing is for sure, the cycles will bring change again, and as long as you know that these traumatic cataclysmic events are actually supreme chances of spiritual evolution simply disguised as end-times and that you cannot die as you are pure energy then you will be fine.
But you ask how the hell do I know all this to be true? Well as I’ve already told you once and maybe you didn’t listen, so ill tell you once more.
Its simple.
Dr Mu.
We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution."
(Bill Hicks)
Its even written in the Bible that a disciple was sent into the city to find a man bearing water, this of course is secret symbolic language for Aquarius (Meeting with the water bearer) .This might seem of little relevance to someone that believes the Bible stories are actually real events, but the truth is that the Bible, old and new, is nothing more than the complete symbolic story of precession and the cycles of the Unfortunately the truth of this has been lost or disguised, and the names given to certain celestial bodies whose orbits and influencal events have been sucked up by millions who have blindly believed that they are reading about people. The ancient Christians and the Magi Druid Gnostic Shamans used symbolic stories to hide and pass on secret knowledge, these were never ever meant to be taken liteally.And sadly, in truth when it comes down to it, this behaviour is nothing more than pure blind faith and finger-crossed hope perpetrated by centuries of engrained indoctrinated fear. These poor people are basing their absolute salvations on mere symbolic tales. Ah! Well, that’s the way of the world. But listen. It takes roughly 80 years for each transition between the ages to fully happen, meaning by 2012 (oh that date again) we will be very much into the new age of enlightenment. But It was our great researcher Robert Buval who first came up with the genius idea that the 3 pyramids in Giza in Egypt, might have been constructed to represent the 3 stars on the belt of the Orion constellation who is the Egyptian high God Osiris (the hunter) . He would be correct of course. He and another great writer Graham Hancock with the use of computers backtracked the skies to see if a possible fit could be found. And what they did find blew our official history out of the water. They took the skies back to where Egyptology says the pyramids were built to around 2700BC and it didn’t match completely even though some some alignments did. So they went back and back until they hit the start of the cycle. And there it was, the evidence that the 3 pyramids of Egypt matched the belt of Orion exactly.But their new date was shocking to orordox Egyptology and totally unbelievable as it came out at 10,500 BC. According to our history books humans were supposed to be in the stone age running around clubbing each other, we weren’t supposed to be building monuments which, might I add, we cannot replicate even today, aligned to stars which science only discovered in the 20th century with telescopes. Hmmm! Think about that one. Buval and Hancocks evidence was questioned until they made their biggest discovery. The age of the Sphinx .It stands beside the pyramids as a guardian and its antiquity has been disputed for centuries.The Sphinx which was seemimly carved straight out of the natural bedrock suffered for centuries as torrents of rain and sea water poured into its compound onto its back and head damaging it greatly. Followers of our orthodox Egyptology still maintain that it was desert sand storms which done the damage, as they just cant open their minds to the most evident early dates of civilizations being found all over the earth. Similar pyramidal finds from South America to China to Japans underwater roads just don’t fit with known history and so many have been simply thrown out with the trash, but these wonders were built on the 4th dimensional earth .Do you know there are more Pyramids in China than in Egypt? You have to remember that our centuries of conquering armies and terrorizing religions re-wrote history to suit their own agendas. Its obvious that the body of the Sphinx was worn by water and not by sand storms, as the wear was vertically down its sides and not horizontal. But how can this be ? As according to our history books there have been no significant downpours in Egypt within the given time scales of official Egyptology. Of course, it could only have happened before 8000 BC when Egypt was semi-tropical.So Buval set about to prove it was much older and that it was built by a lost civilization before Egypt. Again he used the precession program and find the answer. The Sphinx was staring at the horizon looking at the age of Leo (the lion) at the date 10,500 BC. Final. The last piece of the puzzle would fit if the Pyramid blocks showed evidence that a deluge happened, but unfortunately the beautiful original white casing stones were removed from the pyramid to build Cairo. Many ancient writers can remember being able to see these constructions from great distances and others suggest that this is how different civilizations on other planets knew if another planet was populated, as great lasers would beam out of the top of each pyramid also.This was thought to be a harmonic star-gate beam for the more dense energy phyical beings to travel along. But of course this is all hust speculation, but i like to think it function may have been a stargate.But getting back to the story. Luckily salt deposits and sea-shells were found halfway up the monument showing that Egypt was in-fact covered in sea water, it was once semi-tropical but the centuries of water killed the plant-life and was burnt by a great comet which it time formed into the Sahara desert. It had vast jungles and looked much like central America of today.So in conclusion, all of this points to the proof that our extremely advanced past civilization did in-fact exist millennia before the Egyptians, and that they built these incredible structures to mirror the sky at this mythical date, perfectly recording in stone this very special time of pre-history. So that when the later moderns were advanced enough, that we could decipher through our computers the knowledge that the clever ancients were trying to pass on.With every passing year we will find that the real truths of our history has been covered up to detach the human consciousness from their Mother earth consciousness. For its obvious that the head of the was re-carved as a Pharaoh much later, and its plain to see that most of the pyramids built after the first three at SphinxGiza are in various extreme states of decline and ruin. I thought that this would be the absolute proof to the moderns of the decline of civilization, it never fails to amaze me sometimes how strong the delusion really is on the human mind, I suppose that’s why blind faith is such an effective form of mind control. The Egyptian Pharaohs tried to replicate the Godly buildings which they found already standing in the desert, they thought they could only be great tombs of some magical god-like beings, who possibly came from the stars . It was certainly a much more magical world than what we see today, and the knowledge that other races visited the planet was normal, and you may ask how did a world of advanced humans exist before our own, and how were they ahead of this world technologically and spiritually in many ways than we are today? So all that remains to be asked is where did they come from? More importantly, where did their machines go? If the pyramid is aligned to Orion, does this mean the gods came from that system? Well, if you want to see some of the machines used, do a bit of research into the Egyptian site of Dendera and have a look at Abydos and Saqquara, but prepare yourselves as you are about to see proof that the ancients also had aircrafts. But a little secret before I go, I can tell you this, as I know that people are going to find this out anyway in the next few years. The secret is that our fore-fathers came from the planet Mars and countless other planets over millions of years, and the most recent wave of visitors came 50,000 years ago before Mars was hit by a giant comet from an exploding planet. Where the hell do you think all the different races come from? Indian-Asian-African-Caucasian. Certain other negative groups also came here around the same time and presented themselves as gods before starting genetic experiments on the different life forms on the planet. These beings were dying fugitives from a great war in space, and the ancestors of these groups are still controlling our world to this very day and they are turning this beautiful planet into one that suits themselves by destroying the atmosphere. But don’t worry I’m not the only (Reality Host) who has came back at this time, in fact there are thousands of us, and we are going to turn all of this nonsense around. There have been different kinds of Humans on the earth for millions of years, go deep into the caves and look at their beautiful paintings of the spirit animal gods they drew. Some times they were primitive, sometimes they still had their technology. But one thing is for sure, the cycles will bring change again, and as long as you know that these traumatic cataclysmic events are actually supreme chances of spiritual evolution simply disguised as end-times and that you cannot die as you are pure energy then you will be fine.
But you ask how the hell do I know all this to be true? Well as I’ve already told you once and maybe you didn’t listen, so ill tell you once more.
Its simple.
Dr Mu.
We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution."
(Bill Hicks)
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